
Tes Kutubaru pendek tosca

Rp 2,500,000

Product Description :

Size: S.Besar-38 : Lk Dada 96 cm = 55-59 Kg
Material Type: Katun
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

Kain Indonesia DKI Jakarta

MSME Profile

Kain Indonesia explores Indonesian Wastra Indonesian Wastra from Sabang to Merauke, such as Batik, Tenun, Jumputan, Lurik, Endek, etc., and makes it ready to wear (RTW) clothes that are modern, fashionable, unique and comfortable to wear, like tops , dresses, tunics, outer, etc. have complete sizes from small to Big Size and are equipped with conversion to International sizes (EU/UK), so that ready-made clothes from Wastra Indonesia can also be sold and accepted abroad.