Nusantara Coffee Creation

Kopi Orisinil Kakatua

Rp 6,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 35
Ingredients: Kopi Bubuk
Type of Coffee: Robusta
Coffee Processing Method: Full Wash
Coffee Processing Method: Dry Hulling
Roasting Rate: Medium-Dark Roast

Kakatua Papua Barat

MSME Profile

Pace BLCK Company or the Kakatua Coffee Group was founded in 2019 as a Start Up group. The group, which calls its group the name Pace BLCK Company, has the brand "Kakatua Coffee" which carries original coffee products in powder form which are sold conventionally in the retail market. Kakatua Coffee products are the first market breakthrough for original coffee which is sold widely (mass) and has become a favorite among among coffee lovers and young people.