
Navy Allure Series - NAS 04

Rp 650,000

Product Description :

Size: All size (LD 106, Panjang baju 66 cm)
Material Type: Katun
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

Kasuari Batik Papua Barat

MSME Profile

Founded in 2006 in Manokwari  - West Papua, Kasuari Batik is one of the leading "Papua Batik & Tenun" fashion design houses and a symbol of exclusive ready-to-wear brand. Our design are produced carefully in traditional way by the hand of our experienced artisans. All of our products crafted with great attention to detail. Born from an inspiration that is coming from the culture, tradition, diversity of flora and fauna from Eastern Indonesia, Papua & West Papua. It's authentic, artsy and unique.