
Tas Hiou

Rp 300,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 22cm x 25cm
Size: 22cm x 25cm
Material Type: Woven, Synthetic Leather

Hiou, is a Simalungun woven product that is used as a body covering, which contains the meaning to stay physically and mentally healthy.

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MSME Profile

From the year 2000 as a simple sadum weaver used as cloth for joy and sorrow. With the development of the times and the demand for fashion for weaving, we create fabrics to wear with provisional materials. With available yarn materials, but with provisional quality that fades easily, heat and heavy fabrics. In 2011 we founded LPK ANUGRAH, with a lot of learning in creating business licenses. Based on the requests and suggestions we received from customers. We feel that we need to be even more innovative in choosing materials that are comfortable to wear, lightweight, do not fade and come in different colors.