kikome snack
Net Weight: 65
Material Content: Vitamin A, Zat besi, Protein, karbohidrat dan Natrium
Variant / Flavor: spicy dan Original
KIKOME Snack Is a UNIQUE Chip Made from SELECTED Cassava Leaves, Processed with Modern Machines and Formulated with KIKOME's SPECIAL SPECIAL, Thin Pieces Make KIKOME Texture Crispy and Savory
The sprinkling of SECRET SPICES with a PASS dosage makes KIKOME Snack produce a SUPER DELICIOUS TASTE so that it becomes a favorite of all groups, both children and adults
MSME Profile
Cemilan Unik Kikome Snack merupakan kripik unik yang terbuat dari daun singkong pilihan, diolah dengan Mesin modern dan di racik dengan spesial khas Kikome Snack, potongan tipis membuat tekstur Kikome menjadi renyah dan gurih. UMKM yang berpotensi ekspor