Indonesian Snacks

Cokelat Mansel

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 75gram
Material Content: Lemak kakao (27,5%), Pasta Kakao (25%), Gula (25%), Susu bubuk (11,5%), Pengemulsi Lesitin kedelai, Pemgembang natrium hidrogen karbonat,perisa sintetik vanilla
Variant / Flavor: Cokelat Compound Susu

Cokelat Compound Susu adalah oleh-oleh khas dari Ransiki Manokwari Selatan.

Hasil dari perkebunan sendiri dan pemilihan buah coklat adalah buah yang berkualitas

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MSME Profile

The Ebier Suth Cooperative was founded in 2017, where the majority of the workers are former employees of PT Cokran. The name "Ebier Suth" is pinned because the phrase comes from the language of the Sougb tribe, the indigenous people of South Manokwari, which means "to revive".