Indonesian Snacks

Minuman Sari Buah Pala

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250 ml
Material Content: Sirup Buah Pala, AIr Bersih, Asam SItrat, Benzoat, Esensi Pala
Variant / Flavor: Original

The nutmeg juice drink uses the best quality nutmeg without preservatives, this drink has a unique breed of nutmeg itself. This drink has many benefits that are good for health.

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Koperasi Kheriange Papua Barat

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The Kheriange Cooperative has been in existence since 2015. This cooperative consists of native Papuan women who produce authentic Fak-Fak nutmeg into nutmeg juice. Fruit juice drinks have a distinctive taste with a combination of refreshing sour taste and sweetness from the nutmeg itself. Apart from that, when we drink this drink it will feel warm in the throat. This drink itself has various benefits.

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