Indonesian Snacks


Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 12 gr
Material Content: teh cengkeh dan buah lemon
Variant / Flavor: original

We also produce Cloves Tea, a traditional blend combined with the natural benefits of lemon fruit. Presented in ready-to-steep sachets, maOlla Cloves Tea offers a warm touch and boosts the immune system.
It's a perfect choice for an afternoon drink, chilly weather, or between activities.

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Ma Olla Maluku

MSME Profile

maOlla was established in 2021 in the village of Latuhalat, Ambon city, Maluku province. Spices are a part of Maluku tradition and have been in our family for generations. We creatively present this Maluku natural heritage in modern, hygienic, and halal products.