Indonesian Snacks


Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 30 gr
Material Content: teh kulit pala
Variant / Flavor: original

Our flagship product is Nutmeg Skin Infusion (Teh Kulit Pala),made from the outer peel of nutmeg fruit which was originally anunused material for farmers, but we process it into a ready-to-steep beverage with a smooth and elegant taste.This product provides a relaxing effect and quality sleep with apure natural touch.This product is a natural solution for today's active lifestyle. It isrecommended for consumption at night for quality rest and afresh morning wake-up.

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Ma Olla Maluku

MSME Profile

maOlla was established in 2021 in the village of Latuhalat, Ambon city, Maluku province. Spices are a part of Maluku tradition and have been in our family for generations. We creatively present this Maluku natural heritage in modern, hygienic, and halal products.