Indonesian Snacks

Madu Pelawan Super

Rp 1,327,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 1000 gram
Material Content: Madu Murni lebah Apis Dorsata (Lebah Liar) Nectar Pelawan
Variant / Flavor: Manis Pahit

Pelawan Super DH Honey is sourced from wild bees (APIS DORSATA) that suck the juice of Q0hon pelawan flowers. It is naturally free from fermentation, pesticides, fertilizers and pollution that can damage the properties of the honey. Super Pelawan Honey has colloidal content and is made from non-nutritive drugs. Colloids are medicinal ingredients that can treat all diseases and are processed by a dehumidifier (Reducing Water Content to below 19% without heating process) so that nutrients are well preserved, the honey is thicker in accordance with EXPORT QUALITY standards.

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Madu RR Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

Departing from our personal need to consume real honey, in mid-2017 we visited villages known for forest honey seekers to meet forest honey seekers on Bangka Island. From the journey following the honey seekers into the forest, we found problems related to hygiene in the process of harvesting, squeezing and storing. The problems range from the use of used paint buckets as honey containers, to the process of squeezing honeycombs without gloves. From that trip, we made it mandatory for honey seekers to use food-grade gloves. As a result, our product, RR1669 Honey, maintains its authenticity, purity and hygiene from harvesting to packaging.