
Kain Songket Motif Subenale

Rp 1,200,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Songket
Pattern Name: Motif Subenale
Pattern Meaning: Motif Ketujur Melambangkan Seni Kearifan Lokal NTB
Material Type: Katun
Size: 110 x 190
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Gedogan

Naung Songket Nusa Tenggara Barat

MSME Profile

Naung Songket was established because of my love for Central Lombok Songket. The large number of women weavers made me want to help promote the production of these woven fabrics. Through social media and marketplaces Naung Songket promotes woven fabrics with the aim of increasing sales and turnover so that it indirectly helps the weavers' economy. Our hope is to continue to promote and introduce the typical fabrics of Central Lombok so that they will be better known by the world.