KRIYUK! Keripik Bawang Gluten Free Vegan Bebas Kolesterol, NO MSG 60gr
Net Weight: 60gr
Material Content: Tepung Gluten Free (Tepung Mocaf Organik, Tepung Tapioka, Tepung Beras), Minyak Kelapa, Seledri, Rempah-rempah, Garam Laut
Variant / Flavor: Bawang
Kriyuk! Keripik Bawang Vegan, savory crispy snack made of gluten-free flour with finest selected ingredients. No Cholesterol
- No MSG
- No wheat flour
- No Sugar
- No preservatives, artificial flavouring and colouring
- No Margarine
- With coconut oil
- Halal
Komposisi: Tepung Gluten Free (Tepung Mocaf Organik, Tepung Tapioka, Tepung Beras), Keju Edam, Keju Cheddar, Telur, Minyak Kelapa, Garam Laut
Konsumsi dalam 1 minggu setelah kemasan dibuka & masukan ke dalam kulkas agar tetap renyah.
P-IRT 2053175100606-27
MSME Profile
Nourish Indonesia is a distributor and retailer that was founded in 2014. Nourish Indonesia is popular because of its reputation for simplicity and affordable prices. Our vision is to build healthy habits to make Indonesia healthier. Encouraging the Indonesian people to start changing their eating habits, and changing their eating patterns to be healthier by providing excellent resources for high-quality healthy, organic and easy-to-find products.