Indonesian Snacks


Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 150 gr
Material Content: kulit cimpedak yang merupakan buah khas kalimantan di tambahan bumbu rempah pilihan
Variant / Flavor: -

Typical Banjarmasin processed food with a recipe passed down from generation to generation made from cimpedak skin which is a typical Kalimantan fruit with the addition of selected spices, has a distinctive taste and makes you addicted.

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Nyanyat Foodies Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

Nyanyat Foodies is an SME that focuses on Travelfood snacks with no MSG & no preservatives, as companions for daily activities, for example: Mustofa Potatoes, Fried Onions, Basreng, Shredded Chicken etc.