Indonesian Snacks

Bawang Goreng Nyanyat Premium

Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr
Material Content: Bawang dan Rempah
Variant / Flavor: Ori Asin dan Pedas Asin

#fried onions A combination of crispy and tasty that is safe and no MSG️The organosulfur compounds contained in shallots are very useful for preventing breast cancer. Apart from that, it is believed that bagor will actually cause addiction. Buy one won't be enough

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Nyanyat Foodies Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

Nyanyat Foodies is an SME that focuses on Travelfood snacks with no MSG & no preservatives, as companions for daily activities, for example: Mustofa Potatoes, Fried Onions, Basreng, Shredded Chicken etc.