Indonesian Snacks

Madutara Madu Apis Melifera 325 Gram

Rp 70,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 325 Gram
Material Content: Madu apis melifera
Variant / Flavor: Manis

Madu apis melifera merupakan jenis madu yang dihasilkan dari lebah apis melifera yang mengkonsumsi aneka jenis nektar seperti kopi, rambutan, randu dan lain-lain

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Osadha Nusantara Kalimantan Timur

MSME Profile

Osadha Nusantara strives to produce high-quality products, and we aim to make a positive contribution to improve the health and well-being of the Indonesian community. We seek to introduce the potential of Indonesia's natural wealth in the field of traditional medicine to the world. The name "Osadha" is derived from Sanskrit, meaning "medicine" or "herbal remedy," while "Nusantara" refers to the Indonesian archipelago, rich in cultural heritage and natural resources. Osadha products encompass a variety of herbal beverages in the form of powders, tea bags, and combinations of honey and herbs.