Indonesian Snacks

Padma Herbal KAKU - kaku sendi & asam urat

Rp 50,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 150 gram
Material Content: jahe merah, jati belanda, jinten, kunyit, kumis kucing, kelor, mahkota dewa, meniran, pegagan, sidaguri, temulawak, gula aren
Variant / Flavor: Menghangatkan

Joint Pain Relief with Padma Herbal KAKU!


Padma Herbal KAKU is a natural herbal concoction specifically designed to help reduce joint pain, uric acid, and stiffness in your joints. 

Made from a blend of selected ingredients known for their efficacy:

Red Ginger - Natural anti-inflammatory that helps relieve joint pain.

Guazuma ulmifolia - Helps reduce inflammation and maintain joint health.

Cumin - Effective analgesic properties that reduce pain.

Turmeric - Contains curcumin, powerful against inflammation.

Orthosiphon aristatus- Helps remove uric acid from the body.

Moringa - Rich in nutrients supporting bone and joint health.

Phaleria macrocarpa - Reduces inflammation and pain.

Phyllanthus urinaria - Strengthens the immune system and aids healing.

Centella asiatica - Improves blood circulation and joint health.

Sida rhombifolia - Helps reduce joint pain and stiffness.

Turmeric - Strong antioxidant source to fight free radicals.

Palm Sugar - Provides natural sweetness and extra energy.

With the unique combination of these 12 natural ingredients, Padma Herbal KAKU is not only effective in reducing joint pain but also provides comfort and supports overall body health.


How to Use:

Dissolve one tablespoon of Padma Herbal KAKU in a glass of warm water (250ml), stir well, and drink regularly, especially when you feel joint pain, uric acid, or stiffness.


P-IRT 1105102330084-29

Halal : ID51110009344220623

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MSME Profile

In 2005, Bagus Arya, started from a medicinal plant garden, conducting herbal training in collaboration with pharmacists, and processing herbal products. Then in 2012, Padma Medikal Husada, better known as Padma Herbal, officially obtained a business entity permit and production permit, namely UKOT and Good Methods for Making Traditional Medicines (CPOTB) from BPOM. Furthermore, marketing development with the Mother and Child segmentation occurred when Ellida Pande, who has a midwifery background, joined Padma Herbal. Now Padma Herbal has been consistently present and continues to innovate, carrying out the vision of becoming a Traditional Medicine & Healing Oil Company that can provide benefits to society and the environment.