Indonesian Snacks

Padma Herbal Instan Antasima 400g

Rp 65,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 400 gram
Material Content: Curcuma xanthorrhiza rhizoma, curcuma domestica rhizoma (turmeric), centella asiatica herba, curcuma mangga rhizoma, orthosiphon stamineus herba, sugar
Variant / Flavor: sweet and little bitter

ANTASIMA is made from natural ingredients, namely temulawak, turmeric, mango gathering, gotu kola, and kidney tea combined, which has a mild taste and is acceptable to millennial tongues. It is useful to help relieve stomach disorders such as nausea, vomiting, stomach ulcers, excess stomach acid, heartburn and no appetite.

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MSME Profile

In 2005, Bagus Arya, started from a medicinal plant garden, conducting herbal training in collaboration with pharmacists, and processing herbal products. Then in 2012, Padma Medikal Husada, better known as Padma Herbal, officially obtained a business entity permit and production permit, namely UKOT and Good Methods for Making Traditional Medicines (CPOTB) from BPOM. Furthermore, marketing development with the Mother and Child segmentation occurred when Ellida Pande, who has a midwifery background, joined Padma Herbal. Now Padma Herbal has been consistently present and continues to innovate, carrying out the vision of becoming a Traditional Medicine & Healing Oil Company that can provide benefits to society and the environment.