Indonesian Snacks

Padma Rosella Tea - Black Rosella

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 40 gram
Material Content: Bunga Rosella Hitam (Black Rosella)
Variant / Flavor: Rosella Hitam

Rosella Flower Tea, a beverage that not only delights your taste buds with its unique flavor but also offers various benefits to maintain your body's health.


Rosella flowers, with their bright red petals, have long been known as a natural ingredient rich in health benefits. In every cup of rosella flower tea, there is hidden natural power that helps keep your body healthy and fit.


Rosella flowers are rich in antioxidants, especially flavonoids, which play an important role in protecting the body from free radicals. Free radicals can damage body cells and cause various degenerative diseases. By regularly consuming rosella flower tea, you help your body combat oxidative stress and keep cells healthy.


One of the main benefits of rosella flower tea is its ability to maintain heart health. This tea helps lower blood pressure and levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. Thus, the risk of heart disease and stroke can be significantly reduced.


Boosts the Immune System

The high vitamin C content in rosella flowers plays an important role in enhancing the immune system. Vitamin C helps the body fight infections and speeds up the healing process. By regularly consuming rosella flower tea, you can keep your body strong and healthy, especially during the flu and cold season.


Refreshing and Hydrating

Rosella flower tea is known for its refreshing and slightly sour taste. This tea is very refreshing, especially when served cold. Additionally, rosella flower tea helps maintain body hydration, ensuring you stay well-hydrated throughout the day.


Supports Healthy Digestion

Rosella flower tea has diuretic properties that help improve kidney function and prevent water retention in the body. It also aids in the digestion process, ensuring your digestive system functions well and reducing the risk of digestive issues such as constipation.


Aids in Weight Loss

The enzyme content in rosella flower tea can help speed up the body's metabolism, aiding the fat-burning process, and supporting weight loss programs. This tea is also low in calories, making it a perfect choice for those who want to maintain an ideal weight.


P-IRT : 5105102150084-28

Halal : ID51110009344220623

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MSME Profile

In 2005, Bagus Arya, started from a medicinal plant garden, conducting herbal training in collaboration with pharmacists, and processing herbal products. Then in 2012, Padma Medikal Husada, better known as Padma Herbal, officially obtained a business entity permit and production permit, namely UKOT and Good Methods for Making Traditional Medicines (CPOTB) from BPOM. Furthermore, marketing development with the Mother and Child segmentation occurred when Ellida Pande, who has a midwifery background, joined Padma Herbal. Now Padma Herbal has been consistently present and continues to innovate, carrying out the vision of becoming a Traditional Medicine & Healing Oil Company that can provide benefits to society and the environment.