Indonesian Snacks

Kopi Rempah Khas Ternate

Rp 40,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 135 gr
Material Content: Kopi Robusta,Jahe Merah, Kayu Manis,Cengkeh, pala, dan Gula.
Variant / Flavor: Original + Gula

Ternate Typical Spice Coffee is made from Robusta Coffee combined with Original Spices from the Land of North Maluku which is famous in the eyes of the World for its Best Spice Quality.

This Spice Coffee Is A Recipe For Parents In The Past To Entertain Guests Or Drink Supplies For Gardening, This Drink Is Very Suitable For Consumption In Cold Weather Or In The Afternoon When Relaxing With Family. Pakesang Spice Coffee has also won the Best Spice Coffee in the archipelago At the Nusantara Spice Coffee Workshop at IPB Bogor in 2022.

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Pakesang Maluku Utara

MSME Profile

Pakesang is the local language of North Maluku Province which means "Souvenirs" or "Souvenirs". At traditional events/tahlilan of Ternate residents in general, the host will provide Pakesang / food that is offered to guests who are going home as a form of gratitude. Pakesang is a home industry that utilizes local resources in North Maluku, with processed products such as various types of spices (red ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, typical bananas of North Maluku is Mulu bebe bananas, and processed walnuts.