Indonesian Snacks

Mixed Small Pempek

Rp 45,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 500gr
Material Content: Ingredients for Pempek: Fresh fish, tapioca flour, water, sugar, salt and eggs. Ingredients for Cuko: Coconut sugar, cayenne pepper, garlic, water, tamarind, sugar and salt
Variant / Flavor: Savory

Pempek is made from sago and fish which has a shape with various variants.

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Pempek Cek Putri Sumatra Selatan

MSME Profile

Pempek Cek Putri is a micro business engaged in the culinary field located in Palembang, South Sumatra. The culinary is Palembang's special food, namely Pempek and its derivatives, while Pempek derivatives include: Model, Tekwan, Laksan and Celimpungan.