Indonesian Snacks

Pempek krispy ikan sungai

Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 400 gr
Material Content: Ikan sungai, tepung tapioca, air, telur, garam dan penyedap rasa
Variant / Flavor: Ikan sungai

Pempek Krispy This river fish is made of

Selected river fish that is ground with

Several times grinding to bone

From the river fish is not felt when

Eaten. This krispy pempek is also very

Safe to consume for those who are allergic to sea fish.

This krispy pempek is packed with

Vacuum packaging weighing 400 grams

Already the same cuko bottle in the package


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Pempek Syamil Sumatra Selatan

MSME Profile

Pempek syamil Support 5 Sustanable Depelopment Goals dengan tujuan membuat perubahan di masyarakat lokal dengan cara mendukung 5 tujuan goblal masyarakat dipesisir sungai musi yaitu : a .No poverty (menghilangkan kemiskinan) b. Good health and well-being (kesehatan dan kesejahteraan yang baik) c. Gender Equality (kesetaraan gender) d. Reduce Inequality (mengurangi ketimpangan) e. Life below water (kehidupan bawah laut)