
Kain Tenun Songket Pinawetengan

Rp 3,500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Songket
Pattern Name: Motif Pinawetengan
Pattern Meaning: Kain bermotif guratan-guratan yang terdapat pada Watoe Pinawetengan.
Material Type: Sutra
Size: 225 cm X 100 cm
Type of Thread: Benang Sutra
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM

Pinawetengan Sulawesi Utara

MSME Profile

Pinawetengan cloth is a traditional Minahasa cloth. The Pinawetengan cloth made its debut in 2005. At first, the Minahasa people had two types of traditional wastra, namely Bentenan and Pinatikan cloth. However, about 100 years ago, these two fabrics were no longer produced and used by local people. Until then, the North Sulawesi Institute of Arts and Culture Foundation initiated the development of Pinawetengan cloth with the local wisdom of Minahasa culture.