Indonesian Snacks

Milk Chocolate Mocha Latte (45%)

Rp 40,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 80 gram
Material Content: Padatan kakao (kakao, lemak kakao)gula, kacang mente, susu bubuk, pengemulsi lesitin kedelai
Variant / Flavor: Mocha Latte

Strong and sweet chocolate flavor mixed with toasted butternuts

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MSME Profile

PT Alam Bumi Enterprises has been engaged in the cocoa sector since 2017 with the mission, giving a new life to local farmers and local communities. Through this business we provide and open up new opportunities, such as jobs, training, and skill development in the local community. From the beginning, we decided to focus on chocolate that is native to the region with a unique, authentic, quality and world-class taste.