Indonesian Snacks

Cardimus Red Ginger Tablet Drink with Coconut Sugar

Rp 55,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 300 gr
Material Content: jahe merah, gula kelapa dan rempah-rempah
Variant / Flavor: jahe merah keping dengan gula kelapa murni

CARDIMUS RED GINGER WITH COCONUT SUGAR TABLET DRINK is is an instant drink made from 100% real red ginger combined with coconut sugar and selected high-quality spices in tablet form. This botanical drink is very good for health because it has high antioxidants that help to strengthen the body's immunity, increase stamina, reduce stress and dizziness, and help to overcome cold and rheumatism. 
-Uses: Boosts the immune system, contains antioxidants

-Ingredients: red ginger, coconut sugar, and spices

-Serving suggestion : Mix 1 tablet of red ginger tablet drink into 150 ml of hot water.

-Net weight: 300 g (10 sachet @ 30 gram)

-Ingredients: Red ginger in tablet form has reddish-brown color

-Expiration Date: 2 years after production

-Storage Advice: Store at temperatures below 30°C, in a dry place and protected from sunlight.

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MSME Profile

PT Alam Scientia Asia is one of Indonesia’s leading producers of black garlic products, was founded out of our concern for the development of healthy and natural products that are increasingly in demand and we want to contribute to the improving the Indonesian and world public's health. New product development is key to our innovation. We create innovative products using the best ingredients and local resources. We are committed to providing high-quality products, best services, and provide consumer satisfaction in maintaining health naturally and, fully supported by science with the tagline: “Elevate your healthy lifestyle with us”