Indonesian Snacks

Golden Booster Mango Powder Drink (Minuman Serbuk Kunyit Mangga)

Rp 42,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gr (5 sachet @20 gr)
Material Content: Sukrosa, Maltodekstrin, ekstrak kunyit, ekstrak teh hitam, pengatur keasaman asam sitrat, ekstrak temulawak, ekstrak jahe, ekstrak lemon, perisa sintetik mangga, perisa sintetik sereh, penstabil xanthan gum
Variant / Flavor: Kunyit mangga

Golden Booster Mango is an instant powder drink derived from a blend of nutritious herbs such as turmeric extract, red ginger extract, ginger extract, lemon extract with a refreshing mango flavor.
Golden Booster Mango is enriched with curcumin which has strong anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties to help fight infections from viruses, bacteria and fungi. 
Golden Booster Mango is a healthy herbal drink that is very flexible to carry and brew wherever you are. No need to bother making herbal decoctions, now just brew a sachet of Golden Booster, and your natural immune booster is ready for consumption!
Benefits of Golden Booster Mango:
√ Helps relieve inflammation
√ Prevent free radicals (has antioxidant content)
√ Supports the immune system
√ Increases immunity

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MSME Profile

PT Alam Scientia Asia is one of Indonesia’s leading producers of black garlic products, was founded out of our concern for the development of healthy and natural products that are increasingly in demand and we want to contribute to the improving the Indonesian and world public's health. New product development is key to our innovation. We create innovative products using the best ingredients and local resources. We are committed to providing high-quality products, best services, and provide consumer satisfaction in maintaining health naturally and, fully supported by science with the tagline: “Elevate your healthy lifestyle with us”