Indonesian Snacks

Nankaku keripik Pisang

Rp 12,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 40
Material Content: Buah Pisang Kepok
Variant / Flavor: Pisang Kepok

Made from kepok bananas, processed with vacuum frying technology (temperature 800C) using coconut oil to maintain the taste, quality and nutrition of kepok bananas.

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PT. BAMS Jawa Tengah

MSME Profile

PT. Banjarnegara Agro Mandiri Sejahtera has carried out social and business responsibilities to improve the welfare of farmers. Our proud products N-green & Nankaku have been based on fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and high quality grains since 2016, specializing in jackfruit chips, salak chips, banana chips, papaya chips, edamame chips and sterilized processed foods.