Indonesian Snacks


Rp 20,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 150gr
Material Content: Ikan bandeng, bumbu rempah pilihan
Variant / Flavor: Original

Kropcok adalah camilan yang terbuat dari olahan ikan bandeng segar dicampur dengan bumbu rempah pilihan melalui proses penggorengan. Berbentuk dan bertekstur seperti pilus. Memiliki rasa yang enak, gurih dan tentunya memiliki ciri khas tersendiri dari setiap gigitannya.

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MSME Profile

Welcome to Bilvie Food?? The best culinary destination to enjoy the authentic taste of milkfish!? We are a culinary company founded with love and innovation since 2002. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we present superior products made from processed milkfish‼️? Every dish we offer is made with selected ingredients, uses distinctive traditional spices, without preservatives, and is packaged practically We serve local culinary delights that cater to all tastes? Enjoy every bite you with Bilvie Food? Make your dining moment more special and memorable with the authentic taste of milkfish. Yay‼️