Indonesian Snacks

Mi Goreng Instan Cabai Merah Nijimie

Rp 7,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 80 gr
Material Content: Tepung Terigu, Air, Cabai, Garam, Bumbu Mi Goreng
Variant / Flavor: Mi Goreng

Nijimie Chili Fried Instant Noodles are made from wheat flour, red chilies and salt, these noodles are served with fried chicken seasoning. Chili noodles are dried using an oven at high temperature. This product is original from Indonesia.

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MSME Profile

CV. INDIGO SEJAHTERA was established in 2006, specializing in the food industry, particularly in instant egg noodles and vegetable noodles. CV. INDIGO SEJAHTERA is a pioneer in producing vegetable-based noodles in Indonesia. Our products have successfully entered international markets such as Saudi Arabia, Italy, Germany, South Africa, Canada, Chile, and other countries. As a pioneer, we not only provide delicious flavors but also ensure that our vegetable noodles have the best taste and texture, enabling them to compete in the international market.