Indonesian Snacks

D'Natural Organic Coconut Sweet Sauce

Rp 78,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250 gr
Material Content: Gula Kelapa Organik, Air, Gula Aren Organik, Garam, Air Perasaan Lemon, Bumbu Rempah
Variant / Flavor: Kecap Manis Kelapa

Products made from organic coconut sugar and organic  palm sugar. Coconut Sweet Sauce has a natural sweet characteristic, dark brown color, distinctive aroma of palm sugar, savory, natural sweetness, and a taste of spice flavor.

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MSME Profile

PT. NATURAL JOY FOODS is a company that produces healthy food products with high quality standards that are gluten-free, dairy-free, natural, non-GMO, and organic free from pesticides or other chemical substances. Additionally, we do not use MSG, preservatives, synthetic flavors, colorants, ingredients containing trans fats, or other non-natural/additive substances. We has obtained certifications such as BPOM; Halal; HACCP (Food Safety Certification); Indonesian Organic; EU; USDA; and Canada.