Indonesian Snacks

Ramupadu - Kelimutu (indigenous Indonesian tisane blends) 14gr

Rp 79,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 14gr
Material Content: telang, mint, sereh
Variant / Flavor: telang, mint, sereh

Ramupadu - Kelimutu (indigenous Indonesian tisane blends) 14gr

Ramu Padu Nusantara is a good company that focuses on exploring the beautiful flavors of Indonesia archipelago. Ramu Padu Nusantara collaborates with local farmers, women farmers, and regional traders creating a sustainable economic environment.

How to brew:
Mix 2 gr of tea to 70-75'C of 200 ml water. Steep the tea for 3 minutes. You may add sweetener as you desired.

bunga telang kering, sereh kering, peppermint

Petunjuk Penyimpanan:
Simpan di tempan sejuk/kering, dan tidak terkena cahaya matahari langsung.

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PT Ramu Padu Nusantara Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

Presenting high quality functional foods made of local organic spices, herbs, and roots, Ramu Padu Nusantara serves as a platform to bridge farmers and consumers. The founders’ love for Indonesian flavors and culinary has led the found of Ramu Padu Nusantara in 2019. Ramu Padu Nusantara added value to Indonesian’s agricultural products through food innovations. Various natural ingredients are combined to deliver premium gourmet syrup under the brand “MoonShine”.