Indonesian Snacks

Bawang Goreng Botol Dapur Rasa

Rp 20,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 70 Gram
Material Content: Shallots, vegetable oil, salt, cornstarch, rice flour, dried anchovies, Chilli flavor, shallot vegetable oil, salt, Flavor
Variant / Flavor: Spicy Anchovies

Brebes Fried Onions "Dapur Rasa" is a product made from genuine Brebes onions. Crispy, healthy and delicious and high quality. This fried onion can be used as a side dish by sprinkling it on your food or as a snack.

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MSME Profile

PT Sinergi Brebes Inovatif was founded by farmers in the village of Sidamulya who worked together with a team of consultants and with Bank Indonesia because of opportunities regarding practical seasoning ingredients that are widely used in big cities and other countries. In order to increase the farmers' income to the sale value of shallots in 2017 a company was established which produces processed shallot paste seasoning under the name PT. Innovative Brebes Synergy which has 41 members who are members of the Sidomakmur Farmer Group as shareholders.