Indonesian Snacks

Kecap Asin Kelapa / Salty Coconut Aminos 140 ml

Rp 19,800

Product Description :

Net Weight: 140 ml
Material Content: Coconut nectar, salt, spices and water
Variant / Flavor: Salty Coconut Aminos

What is Coconut Aminos and is it Healthy? Coconut aminos is a savoury seasoning sauce made from coconut sap fermented with salt.

Coconut aminos can be a good option for people with certain dietary restrictions. It is soya, wheat, and gluten-free, making it a healthier alternative to soy sauce for those with allergies or food sensitivities.

Does It Have Health Benefits? Coconut aminos have a wide array of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, managing blood sugar, and promoting weight loss.

Some of the nutrients present in coconut include potassium, zinc, magnesium and several antioxidant compounds and polyphenols. Coconut aminos is a condiment that is often used as a substitute for soya sauce.

It is lower in salt content than common soy sauce and is free from common allergens, including gluten and soya.

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We are extremely pleased to present to you our variety product seasoning, the multipurpose and natural blends, that provide healthier but also tasty and sustainable goods in a way that is practical & accessible to urban dwellers, whilst supporting local farmers and promoting an eco-conscious & healthy life style. Truly Natural Organic made creation of coconut and mushroom as friendly seasoning & food to reduce bad consumption of refined sugar in your daily food which is have higher glicemic index. Our local ingredients raised with organic methods which bring natural goodness, fresh, healthier ingredients.