Qinan Tapis
Qinan tapis was founded in 2017, where we produce Lampung wastra cloth and its derivatives by carrying out the concept of community empowerment, where all the filter craftsmen are from local communities, this will ensure continuity and sustainability in the development of the cloth. literature...
We share several series of wastra cloth, the limited edition series is a series of filter cloth designed for only 1 cloth... The exclusive series is a series of filter cloth designed for only 3 cloths, the general series is a type of filter cloth designed to be reproduced. as much as possible....
- qinantapis
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- Lili Basuki
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- Telp
- lilibasuky91@gmail.com
- Bumi Sari RT/RW 002/002, Pekon Bumi Ayu, Kec. Pringsewu, Kab. Prinsewu, Lampung.