
Mahligai (Long tunik + kulot)

Rp 895,000

Product Description :

Size: M
Material Type: Katun
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis

Qolbi Jambi

MSME Profile

Founded in 2016. Qolbi produces ready-to-wear clothing in the form of Muslim clothing. With a simple design and using comfortable materials, Qolbi products are very suitable for everyday use. From the combination of Jambi batik cloth and selected plain cloth, products are created in the form of robes, hijabs, mukenas, Muslim skirts, pants, etc. In accordance with Qolbi's motto "Empower from the Village" Alhamdulillah, we have empowered 10 young people (all women) around us to create quality and acceptable products. Qolbi is an empowerment product, our focus is not only on profits but also on blessings and benefits.