Indonesian Snacks

Cokelat Bar

Rp 50,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 60 Gram
Material Content: Cokelat Couverture (kakao massa,lemak kakao,gula,lesitin kedelai,bubuk cabe
Variant / Flavor: Cokelat Cabe

This chocolate is derived from cocoa cultivated by farmers around the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve. The cocoa beans used have undergone a fermentation process, providing added economic value for the farmers. Furthermore, throught the cultivation of cocoa plants, farmer can actively participate in preserving the sustainability of the fores

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Rapoviaka Simple Sulawesi Tengah

MSME Profile

Rapoviaka Simple was established as a small business entity in Palu. "Rapoviaka Simple," which translates from two languages as simply made, brings local and global values together in chocolate production. Rapportivaka Simple forms part of product innovation using natural and cultural resources from Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve area which are produced sustainably while supporting community groups who contribute along the entire production chain. Rapoviaka Simple products range in flavor variants between 10 to 60-90% cocoa content for optimal production quality and sustainability.