Indonesian Snacks


Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 70
Material Content: Tapioka, Ikan Tenggiri, Putih telur, Daun bawang, Merica, Garam, Lada, Penyedap Rasa, (Kacang)
Variant / Flavor: 4

A signature product from Be'Chips, Batagor chips is a snack made from the main raw material of selected grade mackerel which has a distinctive taste and aroma when processed.

This product is processed using a double frying process using export standard oil so it has a low saturated fat content. This product has 4 flavor variants that you can enjoy as a snack and accompaniment to your favorite food, especially those with soup. It has a crunchy texture, unique shape and distinctive taste that arouses your appetite.


Made without using additional preservatives so it is good and safe for consumption.

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MSME Profile

Bechips is a unique SME snack manufacturer from Bandung that was founded in 2018. We produce snacks with unique value & quality in our product lines to answer the demand for healthy and quality snack products. The business model we apply is B2B (retail supply, e-commerce, agent, distributor) & B2C (direct sales via online & marketplace) Currently our products have spread to many cities throughout Indonesia and Be'Chips products have also been exported to Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, Belgium & Japan.