Indonesian Snacks


Rp 17,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 80, 100
Material Content: Pisang (Banana), Minyak kelapa (Coconut oil)
Variant / Flavor: 3

BANANA CRUNCHY BITES, is a healthy product line from Be'Chips which is produced with 2 main raw materials, namely banana and coconut oil.


This product is processed using the Vacuum Frying method, so that the resulting cooked product still has the nutritional and nutritional content of the processed raw materials. With vitamins and nutrients from bananas as well as natural antioxidants from coconut oil, this snack is very good for consumption by all groups, from children to adults. Apart from that, this product is processed without added sugar or artificial sweeteners, without using food additives for preservatives.


Apart from being READY TO EAT as a snack, this product can be used as a partner for desert ICE CREAM & YOGHURT, and can also be used as a breakfast meal to stay full longer.

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MSME Profile

Bechips is a unique SME snack manufacturer from Bandung that was founded in 2018. We produce snacks with unique value & quality in our product lines to answer the demand for healthy and quality snack products. The business model we apply is B2B (retail supply, e-commerce, agent, distributor) & B2C (direct sales via online & marketplace) Currently our products have spread to many cities throughout Indonesia and Be'Chips products have also been exported to Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, Belgium & Japan.