Indonesian Snacks

Ikan Nike Krispi

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 75 gram
Material Content: Ikan Nike, Minyak Goreng, Tepung berbumbu, bumbu, sereh
Variant / Flavor: Ikan Nike Krispi

“Ikan Nike Krispi” is processed hygienically, rich in protein, and contains vitamins that are good for body health.

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Rhaumah Gorontalo

MSME Profile

[16:49] Mohammad Aly Fikry Rhaumah is a small and medium enterprise (SME) specializing in ready-to-eat food products made from fishery products. Rhaumah products include Payangga Fish, known scientifically as Glosogobius Gluris, a freshwater fish from Lake Limboto in Gorontalo, Indonesia, and Nike Fish, or Avawous Melanochepalus, an endemic fish found in the estuarine waters of Tomini Bay in Gorontalo, Indonesia. Founded in 2018, Over time, with encouragement from friends and family, we transformed this passion into a business, empowering our neighbors by providing employment opportunities.