Indonesian Snacks


Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 60g
Material Content: Tepung mocaf, gula palm, margarin, telur, rolled oat, tempe crumble, chocochips
Variant / Flavor: Original

Oatempe Cookies are a delightful treat that combines the goodness of mocaf flour with the natural sweetness of palm sugar. The crispy texture of tempe crumble and oats adds a unique dimension to the overall flavor profile.

Suitable for Diabetics and Dieters

These cookies are not only delicious but also suitable for people with diabetes and those on a diet. The use of mocaf flour and palm sugar makes them a healthier alternative to traditional cookies.

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Rohani Malang

MSME Profile

Rohani Keripik Tempe is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit and dedication of its founders, Mr. Moh Rochani and his wife. Starting from humble beginnings as a tempe artisan and traveling tempe seller, they transformed their passion into a thriving business, Rohani Keripik Tempe. Born in Sanan, Malang, the epicenter of tempe production in Indonesia, Rohani Keripik Tempe has become a household name, synonymous with high-quality, delicious, and nutritious tempe chips. Now under the stewardship of the second generation, the company continues to innovate, expanding its product range to include Oatempe Cookies, Gluten-Free Cheese Sticks, and other delectable tempe-based creations.