
Sekomandi Ulkukarua Kassalle

Rp 35,000,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Ulkukarua Kassalle
Pattern Meaning: 8 Orang pemangku suku makki, para pemimpin hendaknya senantiasa berusaha untuk menciptakan kesejahteraan, keamanan, ketaatan, sehingga rakyat dapat menikmati hidup yang sejahtera dan bahagia
Material Type: Polyester
Size: 141x242
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Gedogan

Rumah Kreatif Sekomandi Sulawesi Barat

MSME Profile

Sekomandi is a woven fabric that originated from Kalumpang Village in Mamuju Regency. It is believed that "Sekomandi" is one of the oldest woven fabric that currently exists in the world, rumored have been around for 480 years. Rumah Kreatif Sekomandi is located in Hinua, Karatun, and Kondo Bulo Village in West Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Rumah Kreatif Sekomandi is led by Ms. Grace Baralangi and ten weavers under her command. The process of making Sekomandi woven fabric is quite unique and it cold took months to make one. Sekomandi is made with natural dye that comes from tree bark, spices, and many others, so Sekomandi is proved to be environmental friendly.