Indonesian Snacks

Beras Ketan Hitam Organik 1 kg

Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 1 Kg
Material Content: Beras hitam (Oryza sativa L.indica), merupakan jenis beras yang kandungan antosianin aleronnya lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan beras putih. Manfaat ketan hitam memberikan asupan zat besi untuk memproduksi sel darah merah dan membentuk protein bernama hemoglobin. Mengkonsumsi 100 gram ketan hitam akan memberikan asupan zat besi setara dengan 4% kebutuhan harian
Variant / Flavor: Hitam

Black glutinous rice is a rice variety whose starch contains 92– 98% amylopectin. This causes black glutinous rice to have sticky or sticky characteristics after steaming. Black rice (Oryza sativa L.indica), is a type of rice that contains higher anthocyanins in alerons than white rice The benefits of black sticky rice provide iron intake to produce red blood cells and form a protein called hemoglobin. Consuming 100 grams of black sticky rice will provide iron intake equivalent to 4% of daily needs. When red blood cells are sufficient, blood flow increases smoothly. Rice grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is processing naturally without using bleach, preservatives and fragrances

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MSME Profile

Rumah Tani Lestari (RTL) cultivates local Indonesian varieties of organic rice, to help maintain food security, considering that food security is important for every country. RTL hopes to contribute to maintaining the world's food supply by distributing organic rice and Indonesian agricultural products throughout the world. Our vision is to become a reliable leading agricultural exporter. For this reason, RTL created Inacrop, a unit that handles foreign trade. We collaborate with farmers, supermarkets, shops and other business sectors in realizing our vision of providing quality Indonesian agricultural products. For further information, please contact via