Indonesian Snacks

Sirup Pala

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 300 ml
Material Content: Sari Buah Pala Asli dan Gula
Variant / Flavor: Buah Pala Original

Sirup Pala dioleh dengan bahan Sari Buah Pala Asli dan Gula. Sebagai minuman yang sangat menyegarkan dan nikmat dengan rasa yang original. 

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Rupala Pematangsiantar

MSME Profile

"Rupala was founded in 2019, inspired by the many nutmegs grown in private gardens. Rupala Rumah Pala is a production company that processes fresh nutmeg meat into various foods and beverages, including nutmeg syrup and candied nutmeg into other products such as nutmeg jam, Dodol pada, and ready-to-drink beverages. All preparations produced have HALAL and IPR certificates from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (kemenkumham)."