Indonesian Snacks

Sambal Batam Gonggong

Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100 gram
Material Content: Gonggong , Cabe Rawit Merah , Bawang Merah , bawang putih , Garam
Variant / Flavor: Original

Batam Sambal from Gonggong is one of the kaas sambal variants from Batam. Gonggong is a type of sea snail that is often found in the waters of the Riau Islands. Delicious gonggong and kennel meat are often used as the main ingredients in making this chili sauce. Enjoy the delicious chili sauce many times

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Samba Sijago Kepulauan Riau

MSME Profile

Sijago is a chili sauce producer that produces 3 (three) variant flavors: gonggong chili sauce, squid chili sauce and smoked fish chili sauce. The chili product is a typical chili sauce made from raw materials available in the waters of the Riau Islands