Sambal Hj. Ani
Indonesian Snacks
Sulawesi Utara
"A Brief History of Hj Ani Sambal: Building a Spicy Taste with a Spirit of Empowerment"
Founded in 2019 in Manado, North Sulawesi, by Hj Ani during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sambal Hj Ani began in her home kitchen. Using traditional recipes and fresh ingredients, she creates a unique spicy flavor. Beyond focusing on quality, Hj Ani empowers local housewives by creating job opportunities and providing training. After five years, Sambal Hj Ani has become a beloved brand across Indonesia, demonstrating that small businesses can thrive and benefit the community. Sambal Hj Ani stands as a symbol of empowerment and local spirit, showcasing the impact of dedication and hard work.
Afini Nur Andini Pombaile
Sambal Hj. Ani, Lingkungan V Kelurahan Rinegetan Kecamatan Tondano Barat Kabupaten Minahasa