Indonesian Snacks


Rp 35,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 180 gram
Material Content: Jahe merah, cengkeh, kayu manis, lada hitam, cabe jawa, kapulaga, gula pasir
Variant / Flavor: JAHE MERAH 180 gram

Made from quality fresh red ginger and selected spices native to Indonesian plants which are processed safely and hygienically to produce products with a distinctive taste and benefits for maintaining health and fitness.

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Saripati Laer Banten

MSME Profile

We are MSMEs that produce herbal instant traditional drinks in the form of powders. Established since 2006. Our products support the use of local raw materials, especially native Indonesian plants and selected quality Indonesian spices. With the implementation of the green economy, waste from production can still be managed into useful derivative products. Our efforts to optimize 50% female workforce. The main products are Banten Red Ginger, Turmeric and Curcuma. We are MSME assisted by Bank Indonesia Banten Province