Indonesian Snacks

Keripik Kentang Selaras

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 130gr
Material Content: Kentang, Garam, Minyak
Variant / Flavor: Original

Potato chips, made from native Agria variety potatoes, are a popular crunchy snack. The manufacturing process begins with selecting high-quality potatoes, which are then peeled, thinly sliced, and washed to remove excess starch. The potato pieces are then fried in hot oil until they become brown and crispy. After that, the potato chips are seasoned to add flavor according to preference, such as salt or other seasonings. The final product is usually packaged in airtight packaging to maintain the moisture and fresh taste of the potato chips.

No PIRT: 2153304040580-24
No Halal: ID 33110000483510722

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Selaras (Touchips) Purwokerto

MSME Profile

In the begining, UMKM Selaras just producing tofu for a lascivious need. But in 2000 where the issue of formalin use spread, UMKM Selaras was impacted. Eni markini and the team, trying to rise from the depths, committed to a healthy and tasty tofu production, UMKM Selaras creating a derivative product like Tofu Crackers and Tofu Pillus.