
BK - Daun Simpor Hitam Hijau (Simpor Leaves)

Rp 350,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Daun Simpor Hitam Hijau (Simpor Leaves)
Pattern Meaning: Motif batik Daun Simpor memiliki ciri khas berupa pola daun yang lebar, berlekuk, dan sering kali simetris. Daun-daun tersebut biasanya digambarkan dengan detail dan memberikan kesan alami yang khas. Warna yang umum digunakan dalam motif ini adalah hijau untuk daunnya dan warna lain sebagai latar belakang atau sebagai warna tambahan untuk menghiasi motif tersebut. (The Daun Simpor batik motif is characterized by its distinctive wide, undulating, and often symmetrical leaf patterns. The leaves are typically depicted with intricate details, creating a unique natural impression. The common colors used in this motif are green for the leaves, with other colors serving as the background or additional accents to embellish the motif)
Material Type: Katun Prima
Size: 230 cm x 110 cm
Type of Thread: Benang Strip
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

Sepiak Belitong Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

Sepiak Belitong was founded by Bella Kartika Aprilia in 2010 under the name Rumah Batik which became the forerunner of Sepiak Belitong, one of the reference places for fabric lovers in Belitung today. To this day, Sepiak has dozens of batik motifs including the motifs of simpor leaves, keremunting flowers, semar bags, and Belitong sahang which have been registered with the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights. Innovation is also made by using natural coloring materials such as ketapang leaves, mangroves, teak leaves, mango leaves, and onion skins. This development of ecoprint in 2017 brought us good luck. Belitung Island became a geopark tourism development area, making this type of fabric one of the geoproducts in demand.