Indonesian Snacks

Sila Artisan Tea – Kasmaran – White Kraft 2,4gr x 5NTB – Teh Premium – Green Tea

Rp 50,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 12gr
Material Content: Teh Hijau, Pandan, Melati, Kayu Secang, Mawar, Rosella dan Kenop (Green Tea, Pandanus, Jasmine, Secang Wood, Rose, Rosella and Knob)
Variant / Flavor: Aromatic Pandan (Pandan aromatik), Sweet Vegetal (Sayuran Manis) & Smooth Finish (Lembut)

This special blend contains organic green tea and selected flowers and herbs that we designed to symbolize the spirit of love. Green tea as a wish for eternal love and happiness. Pandan leaves for a beautiful, romantic and sweet life. Jasmine and rose symbolize purity and passion. Sappan wood and amaranth flowers provide beautiful colors throughout the journey of a life full of love.

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Sila Tea Jawa Barat

MSME Profile

The pioneer of Indonesian Artisan Tea. Established in 2018, with a mission of elevating the image of Indonesian agricultural products for the benefit of farmers, "consumer wellness," and the preservation of the archipelago's natural resources. Through innovation and education, Sila specifically produces and promotes only "Artisan Quality" Indonesian tea, essentially the highest and top quality, along with tea blends with spices and herbs that are entirely natural. Each Sila blend is rich in flavor, pleasant, preserves the benefits, and satisfies the desire for body, spirit, and soul harmony. With Sila, every story becomes special. #KitaSila #BanggaIndonesia