Home Decor


Rp 846,612

Product Description :

Dimension: 67 x 156 x 0,5 cm
Material Type: Cotton Wick

Cotton Wick

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MSME Profile

During the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment rose due to layoffs and bankruptcies, while opportunities emerged with increased awareness of eco-friendliness & demand for customizable, unique carpets. The solution is for this labor-intensive SME to produce handwoven carpets using 2 types of materials: natural fibers (such as jute, water hyacinth, banana fiber, seagrass, sisal, wlingi) & fabric waste from fabric waste or a combination of natural fibers & fabrics. Our strengths lie in eco-friendly materials-recycling fabric waste & sustainable-natural fibers, crafted by hand weaving, offering custom orders in size, design, and color at reasonable prices, while empowering women's leadership and involvement in production.