Skirt 12 IL ( Rok panjang dengan bordir motif ilalang)
Size: All size. Panjang 93 cm, lingkar pinggang dengan karet keliling saat tdk dipakai=35,5 cm
Material Type: Rayon
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
MSME Profile
Suka Pandawa has been around since 1993, initially working on orders from large companies that already export. In 1997, we started accepting orders directly from customers, namely from Thailand and Russia. In 2011, for the first time participating in a trade exhibition, namely Inacraft, every year until 2019. In 2013, Suka Pandawa added product types to men's and women's traditional Balinese clothing. From production until now we have persisted with the characteristic embroidery on every model we make, both ready to wear casual and traditional Balinese clothing. The advantage of our products is that they are still called hand made, because they are made using a machine that is pedaled by the foot.